In the course of my life, I have learned something valuable that applies to life in general, and in particular, to the construction world.

The building process requires permits and inspections

Each licensed trade, the electricians, plumbers, HVAC mechanics, and carpenters have their work inspected. This is a good thing for a number of reasons. It is often just a double-check for safety and code compliance. The local inspectors were often tradesmen themselves. They are easy to work with when the workmanship is clean and technically up to grade.

My clients are almost always time-pressed. They are impatient with the permit process because it slows the pace of a job, often causing a week or more of delay. On complicated projects, an inspection may fail due to an unforeseen condition. In these cases, an updated drawing must be submitted before proceeding. Everyone wants to do a good job and pass the test. Yet, it certainly serves the homeowner to get it right, from the start.


The purpose of all of these permits and inspections is not only for the safety of the current owner. The process serves later on, as the baton is passed down the line to the next, and eventually all, subsequent owners. Quality workmanship lasts!

In a way, we don’t own our homes

We are just caretakers for the next owner, maintainers of the chain of occupancy, permission granted by the local building department.

We are planetary stewards

Stay with me… I want to stretch this thought just a bit more …

A very important life lesson is to care for all things while they are in our hands, including Planet Earth.
We are just stewards – lords of the manor – so to speak…
We have the power to preserve this beautiful world and the homes we live in – until we pass it on to the next generation.